Meat the Team


One thing I have learned in life, I always take time for animals. I have rescued 118 strays running loose on the streets to date and reunited all but three of them with their owners. I believe in giving back to our community and I work with numerous rescues. I think we all need animals to have a complete and fulfilling life. I rescue the older dogs so they can be loved and spoiled the rest of their life.


I was born and raised here in Southern California. I recently retired after a long career in the military. I never thought I would be a cat dad but I am. I like to think I’m a pretty good one! I like all animals as well! If you have a cat that likes walks I’m your cat walker!


I am originally from Northern California. I must say I love, love Southern California. I have always had a love for cats and all animals. If I could I would rescue all the pets who need homes. I have one boy, Archie. I know how much we love our fur babies so I will treat yours like my own.


I started my pet sitting journey four years ago when I moved to CA. I have had the pleasure of having three wonderful dogs in my adult life and each of them had their own challenges. But that didn’t make me love them any less. In fact I believe the challenges made me love them more.

I truly enjoy watching other people’s pets because I know they miss their family and I work at bringing them joy till their family comes home.


I guess my love for animals started when I was a small child & saved a mouse that had been attacked by a cat. I got a second mouse & named them Mickey & Minnie.

I’ve always had a pet cat since Mickey & Minnie. I love all animals, I’ve had pet birds, a turtle & a Bearded Dragon. My current pet cat Slinky, loves going for walks on a leash. In all the years I’ve worked for OC Pet Companions I’ve taken care of 5lb Dogs up to 150lbs, and I love them all!!


I have always had a huge heart for pets and I love bonding with each pet. Every dog and cat have their own personalities and the best unconditional love.

Starting as a young girl I was always everyone’s “got to” person for walking my neighbors’ and family member’s dogs, and pet sitting when they would go out of town.

I always looked forward to summer and the holidays because I knew I would be pet sitting. I have been working with OC Pet Companions for a few years and it has been amazing and I enjoy every dog walk and pet sit that I have. I look forward to taking care of your fur babies!


I am proud to be a part of OC Pet Companions! I have been walking dogs and pet sitting for over 23 years, beginning in New York City.

My current rescues are Roxy, a spirited beagle mix, and my sweet kitty Ninja. These animals found their way into my heart, and I know your pets will do the same!”